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HTI X-TubeProcessor® Sign
Fill out the form on the right side of the page. After you have registered you will receive an email with the official invitation. You can then easily add the webinar appointment to your favorite calendar program. Not sure what this webinar is about? Please read the content of the webinar below.
Wednesday 1 October 2024 | 09:30 EDT
Effortless Precision and Flexibility
The HTI X-TubeProcessor® Sign is your ultimate solution for automated tube labelling. This advanced device handles tubes of all types and sizes with ease, thanks to its precise labelling module and flexible 4-jaw gripper. Whether it’s HPLC vials, cryo vials, centrifuge tubes, or micro screw tubes, the Sign caters to all without time-consuming adjustments.
Seamless Integration and User-Friendly Design
Design your labels with HTI software or any preferred tool, and integrate seamlessly into your existing workflow. Simply load your rack with the desired tubes, and let the X-TubeProcessor® Sign take care of the rest, ensuring accurate and reliable labels every time.
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