Yes. Depending on your needs, three service plans are available for the Sci-Print VX2 and Sci-Print VXL. Contact us today for more details.
Yes. We offer a range of label kits that work with different tube types. These labels can withstand extreme temperatures and exposure to organic solvents. If necessary, users can customize labels to meet their needs.
Yes. Besides labeling, the Sci-Print VX2 and Sci-Print VXL can receive bulk tubes, sort racked tubes, uncap and recap tubes, fill tubes, and/or scan 2D barcodes.
The Sci-Print VX2 and the Sci-Print VXL can label up to 425 tubes per hour. If the base unit includes additional modules e.g. filling or scanning, throughput might be affected.
The Sci-Print VX2 and the Sci-Print VXL can accommodate a range of tubes from 0.50ml to 50.00ml in size. Tubes or vials can have a maximum height of 120mm and a maximum diameter of 35mm. Please contact us to inquire about your specific tube type.
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