Prepare and Protect Your Samples More efficiently
Looking for compact and cost-effective equipment that can help streamline routine laboratory procedures? Need a way to preserve the viability of your samples? Crystal Technology manufactures a range of bench-top equipment—including mini centrifuges, mini vortex mixers, and FreezeCell boxes—for scientists who need to quickly and efficiently prepare samples for a variety of research applications in the lab. For a limited time only, these products are on sale. Please see below for more information. Promotions valid until June 30, 2020.
BOGO 50% Off Mini Centrifuge
A mini centrifuge is an essential piece of laboratory equipment that’s ideal for quick spins, microfiltration of samples, cell separations, and other routine laboratory procedures. Models are available for the following speeds: 4000rpm, 6000rpm, and 10000rpm.
BOGO 50% Off Mini Vortex
The mini vortex from Crystal Tech is an ideal mixer because of its compact size, ease of use, and economic price point. With a mini vortex, researchers can powerfully mix tube samples up to 30mm in diameter at a 3000rpm fixed speed. Choose from four colors.
BOGO 50% Off FreezeCell™
FreezeCell™ boxes can be used to maximize the viability of different cell types. With FreezeCell™ boxes, researchers can maintain a controlled and consistent cooling rate, yielding higher cell survival after thawing. Choose from three shapes: round, square, and hexagon.